
We nemen deel aan workshops, presenteren ons werk op conferenties en publiceren in wetenschappelijke tijdschriften. Hieronder staat een selectie van onze papers en presentaties.

Jaar Auteur Titel Download
2023 Significance Ontwikkeling jongerenmodule voor Tigris XL (maakt gebruik van CBS-microdata) PDF
Michiel de Bok De distributiestructuur van het goederen wegvervoer in NL PDF
Rodrigo Tapia A disaggregate model of passenger-freight matching in crowdshipping services PDF
Significance Evaluatie onbelaste reiskostenvergoeding Link
2022 Michiel de Bok An ex-ante analysis of transport impacts of a distance based heavy goods vehicle charge in the Netherlands PDF
Prognosticeren impact zero emissiezones (ZEZ) op logistiek en emissies PDF
Sofia Giasoumi Optimizing demand-responsive IoT-based waste collection services: a two-step clustering technique PDF
Gerard de Jong A stochastic logistics model for Indonesia’s national freight transport model PDF
The value of travel time savings in freight transport: a meta-analysis PDF
Marco Kouwenhoven A minute of your time: The impact of survey recruitment method and interview location on the value of travel time. Link
Can repeated surveys reveal the variation of the value of travel time over time? PDF
Wouter Kuhlman Informatie voor selectie kansrijke openbaar vervoer relaties PDF
Significance Historische forecast TIGRIS XL PDF
Barry Zondag A simple model versus a complex model; what do we gain? PDF
2021 Michiel de Bok De emissiereductie van het wegtransport: zijn de klimaatdoelen haalbaar? PDF
Exploring the impacts of an emission based truck charge in the Netherlands Link
Simulation of the Impacts of a Zero-Emission Zone on Freight Delivery Patterns in Rotterdam Link
Gerard de Jong Analysis of route and mode transport choice in Eastern South Asia following integration agreements PDF
Seven fat years or seven lean years for freight transport modelling? Developments since 2013 PDF
Modelling mode choice in freight transport, in International Encyclopedia of Transportation vol. 5 Link
National freight transport models, in International Encyclopedia of Transportation vol. 3 Link
Value of time in freight transport, in International Encyclopedia of Transportation vol. 1 Link
Transport models Link
Value of travel time and travel time reliability Link
Rodrigo Tapia Destination matrix building and disaggregated choice modeling using tax revenue data. PDF
Exploring multiple-discreteness in freight transport PDF
Regional freight transport modeling: considerations from South America. PDF
Jasper Willigers Improving the modelling of regional and urban public transport in the Dutch National Model System PDF
Bart Wesseling Referentieprognoses goederenvervoer 2021 PDF
Barry Zondag Growth model4: the new Dutch national passenger transport model PDF
2020 Gerard de Jong Assessing inter-urban freight mode choice preference for short-sea shipping in
the Southern African Development Community region
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on travel behavior in Istanbul: A panel data analysis PDF
Rodrigo Tapia Application of MDCEV to infrastructure planning in regional
freight transport
Sebastiaan Thoen Descriptive modeling of freight tour formation: a shipment-based approach PDF
Bart Wesseling Energy transition scenarios in the strategic freight demand model BasGoed PDF
Barry Zondag Use of geographical accessibility indicators in policy making PDF
2019 Michiel de Bok Logistics decisions in descriptive freight transportation models: a review PDF
Gijs van Eck Simulating the impact of tax incentives using a type choice model for lease cars PDF
Gerard de Jong A disaggregate freight transport chain choice model for Europe PDF
It was twenty years ago today: revisiting time-of-day choice in The Netherlands Link
Productive use of travel time, values of time and reliability in The
VMÖ – A new strategic transport model for Austria Link
Marco Kouwenhoven Effects of an aviation tax on aviation in the Netherlands Link
Kim Ruijs Effect van ruimtelijke ordeningsbeleid op bereikbaarheid vervoerregio Amsterdam – met TIGRIS XL PDF
Significance Basgoed runs KEV2019 PDF
AEOLUS berekening t.b.v. KEV2019 en MoBiBe2019 PDF
Rodrigo Tapia Joint mode and port choice for soy production in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. PDF
Bart Wesseling Kalibratie op tellingen in een agent-gebaseerd model PDF
Barry Zondag Car ownership modelling in the Ile de France region PDF
2018 Michiel de Bok An empirical agent based simulation system for urban goods transport PDF
De incrementele ontwikkeling van een data-driven agent-gebaseerd simulatiemodel voor goederenvervoer PDF
Rik van Grol HIGH-TOOL–a strategic assessment tool for evaluating EU transport policies Link
Gerard de Jong A disaggregate stochastic freight transport model for Sweden PDF
Determining price elasticities of rail demand for market-can-bear tests PDF
Ex post evaluation of major transport infrastructure projects PDF
Marco Kouwenhoven Value of Travel Time as a Function of Comfort PDF
Bart Wesseling Doorontwikkeling en actualisatie van het strategisch goederenvervoersmodel van Nederland, BasGoed PDF
2017 Yashar Araghi Trust, awareness and independence: Insights from a socio-psychological factor analysis of citizen knowledge and participation in community energy systems PDF
Michiel de Bok An exploration of freight transport forecasts for The Netherlands with BasGoed PDF
Development of a multimodal transport chain choice model for container transport for BasGoed PDF
De bestelauto in modellen voor verkeer en vervoer: tussen wal en schip? PDF
Rik van Grol Testing of a demand matrix estimation method incorporating observed speeds and congestion patterns on the Dutch strategic model system using an assignment model with hard capacity constraints PDF
HIGH-TOOL – Een nieuw Europees modelsysteem PDF
Gerard de Jong A disaggregate stochastic freight transport model for Sweden PDF
Modelling production-consumption flows of goods in Europe: the trade model within Transtools3 PDF
Eric Kroes Onderzoek naar de waardering van drukte in het openbaar vervoer in Parijs PDF
Kurt Verlinden Zelfrijdende auto’s in Vlaanderen: een vooruitblik PDF
Bart Wesseling Evaluating the robustness effects of infrastructure projects based on their topological and geomatrical roadway designs Link
Jasper Willigers The impact of various forms of flexible working on mobility and congestion estimated empirically PDF
Barry Zondag Ruimtelijke robuustheid van bereikbaarheid PDF
Robustness of accessbility challenges to land use changes PDF
2016 Michiel de Bok Ontwikkeling van een multimodaal ketenkeuzemodel voor containertransport in het strategisch goederenvervoermodel BasGoed PDF
Stefan Grebe The strategic Flemish freight model at the intersection of policy issues and available data PDF
Rik van Grol Consolidated calibration of Dutch national and four regional model – recent developments PDF
Gerard de Jong Estimation and implementation of joint econometric models of freight transport chain and shipment size choice PDF
Modelling production-consumption flows of goods in europe: the trade model within Transtools3 PDF
Analyzing model uncertainty and economies of scale of the Swedish national freight model to changes in transport demand PDF
Values of travel time in Europe – review and meta-analyses PDF
A model for freight transport chain choice in Europe PDF
A time-period choice model for road freight transport in Flanders based on stated preference data PDF
Marco Kouwenhoven Urban gondolas in Ile-de-France: forecasting traffic on a new mode PDF
Forecasting travel time reliability in road transport – a new model for the Netherlands PDF
Eric Kroes Research into new methods for the Enquête Globale Transport in the Ile-de-France region PDF
Kurt Verlinden Strategisch modelleren met behulp van grootschalige agent-gebaseerde simulatie: toepassing in Vlaanderen PDF
Jasper Willigers New findings in the Netherlands about induced demand and the benefits of new road infrastructure Link
Barry Zondag Accessibility impacts of alternative urbanization strategies in The Netherlands PDF
Evolution of the EU and international shipping: drivers, challenges and scenarios PDF
2015 Stefan Grebe Redeveloping the strategic Flemish freight transport Model PDF
Rik van Grol De provinciebrede modelaanpak. Aanpakken of loslaten? PDF
Gerard de Jong Explaining household decisions on car ownership and use using an approach based on an indirect utility function PDF
Handbook on Research Methods in Transport Economics and Policy PDF
Containerised export from Java: the impact of policies to reduce GHG emissions PDF
Port and Inland Mode Choice from the Exporters’ and Forwarders’ Perspectives: Case Study – Java, Indonesia PDF
On including travel time reliability of road traffic in appraisal PDF
Marco Kouwenhoven New insights in resistance to interchange PDF
Betrouwbaarheid van reistijden in het LMS/NRM PDF
De waarde van betrouwbare reistijden in personenverkeer en –vervoer in Nederland PDF
Eric Kroes Comfort ondergewaardeerd PDF
Value of Crowding on Public Transport in Île-de-France, France PDF
Kim Ruijs Inzet Basis Goederenvervoermodel (Basgoed) voor ontwikkeling van lange termijn scenario’s van het goederenvervoer in Nederland (WLO2) PDF
Jan Gerrit Tuinenga ANTONIN 3, an up-to-date transportation planning model for the Île-de-France region PDF
Kurt Verlinden A review of theoretical and practical issues in microsimulating transport demand PDF
Barry Zondag Exploring the impacts of public transport oriented land use policies, a case study for the Rotterdam and The Hague PDF
2014 Michiel de Bok A population simulator and disaggregate choice models for the fourth generation strategic passenger transport model for Flanders PDF
Lange termijn scenario’s voor de ontwikkeling van het goederenvervoer in Nederland en de Nederlandse zeehavens PDF
Rik van Grol NRM actualisatie: gesteld voor de toekomst PDF
Gerard de Jong Analytical decision-making methods for evaluating sustainable transport in European corridors (two book chapters) Link
The optimal shipment size and truck size choice – the allocation of trucks across hauls PDF
New SP-values of time and reliability for freight transport in the Netherlands PDF
New values of time and reliability in passenger transport in the Netherlands PDF
A time-period choice model for the strategic Flemish freight model based on stated preference data PDF
Eric Kroes On the value of crowding in public transport for Île-de-France PDF
A practical method to estimate the benefits of improved road network reliability: an application to departing air passengers PDF
De baten van comfort in het openbaar vervoer; een overzicht van literatuur PDF
Value of travel time reliability on French high-speed and regional services PDF
Jasper Willigers Economic evaluation of trends in travel time reliability in road transport Link
Barry Zondag Options for the road freight sector to meet long term climate targets PDF
Accessibility modeling and evaluation: The TIGRIS XL land-use and transport interaction model for the Netherlands Link
2013 Michiel de Bok Employment location in cities and regions (book editor) Link
Gerard de Jong Recent developments in national and international freight transport models within Europe PDF
The Aggregate-Disaggregate-Aggregate (ADA) freight model system PDF
Modelling Freight Transport (book editor) Link
Eric Kroes On the value of crowding in public transport for Île-de-France PDF
Kim Ruijs Je bent jong en je wilt wat… minder auto? PDF
Barry Zondag The TIGRIS XL land use and transport interaction model for the Netherlands; applications and further developments PDF
The electric vehicle scenario: does it get us into the right lane and can we afford its PDF
Employment location in cities and regions (book chapter) Link
2012 Michiel de Bok Accessibility analysis and transport planning (book chapter) Link
Gerard de Jong Calculating errors for measures derived from choice modelling estimates PDF
European wide meta-analysis of values of travel time PDF
Application of experimental economics in transport and logistics PDF
2011 Michiel de Bok How to obtain representative spatial choice sets? Dominance and centrality analysed for firm location choices PDF
Agglomeration economies, accessibility, and the spatial choice behavior of relocating firms PDF
Gerard de Jong Cross-border car traffic in Dutch mobility models PDF
Heterogeneous response to transport cost and time and model specification in freight mode and shipment size choice PDF
Accelerating car scrappage: a review of research into the environmental impacts PDF
Modeling experienced accessibility for utility-maximizers and regret-minimizers PDF
Distribution and modal split models for freight transport in The Netherlands PDF
Cross-border car traffic in Dutch mobility models PDF
Marco Kouwenhoven Estimating potential demand for Autolib’ – a new transport system for Paris PDF
Jasper Willigers On the state-of-the-art demand forecasting model developed by Netherlands railways PDF
2010 Michiel de Bok Application of a LUTI model for the assessment of land use plans and public transport investments PDF
Estimation of a mode choice model for long distance travel in Portugal PDF
Gerard de Jong Passengers and freight transport in Flanders 2010-2040 under three scenarios PDF
De reistijdwaardering in het goederenvervoer: Een terug- en vooruitblik na 17 jaar PDF
Spijtminimalisatie: een nieuwe modelvorm en een toepassing op vertrektijdstipkeuze-data PDF
Minder PBM, meer auto’s? Stated intentions onderzoek naar het effect van de omzetting van de BPM in de kilometerprijs op autobezit PDF
The price sensitivity of road freight transport – a review of elasticities PDF
Barry Zondag Port competition modeling including maritime, port and hinterland characteristics PDF
Accessibility appraisal of land-use transport policy strategies: more than just adding up travel-time savings PDF
2009 Michiel de Bok Validation of microscopic model for spatial economic effects of transport infrastructure PDF
Rik van Grol Beheer plan voor LMS en NRM PDF
Gerard de Jong Effecten van een slooppremieregeling op de uitstoot door personenauto’s – een case-study voor Amsterdam PDF
An international meta-analysis of values of travel time savings PDF
Discrete mode and discrete or continuous shipment size in freight transport in Sweden PDF
Review of evidence on the effects of road pricing PDF
A pilot study into the perception of unreliability of travel times using in-depth interviews PDF
The impact of fixed and variable costs on household car ownership PDF
An experimental economics investigation of shipper-carrier interactions in the choice of mode and shipment size in freight transport PDF
Preliminary monetary values for the reliability of travel times in freight transport PDF
Marco Kouwenhoven The role of accessibility in passengers choice of airports PDF
Jasper Willigers Updating and extending the disaggregate choice models in the dutch national model PDF
Barry Zondag Challenges in spatial planning for Java PDF
Driving forces of land-use change PDF
2008 Gerard de Jong Verbeterpunten in het Landelijk Model Systeem PDF
The Aggregate-Disaggregate-Aggregate (ADA) freight model system PDF
Welfare measures from discrete choice models in the presence of income effect PDF
The driving factors of passenger transport PDF
Transportation and logistics in supply chains PDF
Prognoses van het Landelijk Model Systeem: komen ze uit? PDF
Drivers of freight transport demand and their policy implications PDF
Marco Kouwenhoven Impact of land-side accessibility on the competitive position of airports PDF
Forecasting the impact of a ticket tax in The Netherlands PDF
The role of accessibility in passengers choice of airports PDF
Eric Kroes Assessing the welfare impact of air network development PDF
Hoe reageren OV-reizigers op prijsverhoging? PDF
Biases in Willingness-To-Pay measures from Multinomial Logit estimates due to unobserved heterogeneity PDF
Choice of train ticket: a study of Dutch travellers PDF
De effecten van reiskostencompensatie op treinreizigers PDF
Barry Zondag Accessibility appraisal of land-use/transport policy strategies: More than just adding up travel-time savings PDF
The Java spatial model and its use for policy making in water resource management PDF
A model for maritime freight flows, port competition and hinterland transport PDF
2007 Michiel de Bok On how to analyse accessibility, agglomeration as location factors: a life cycle analysis of relocating firms in The Netherlands PDF
Validation of a microscopic model for firm location in LUTI models PDF
Gerard de Jong A micro-simulation model of shipment size and transport chain choice PDF
Uncertainty in traffic forecasts: literature review and new results for The Netherlands PDF
A pilot study into the perception of unreliability of travel times using in-depth interviews PDF
Evaluation of externalities in transport projects PDF
Evaluation of motor carrier safety inspection programs: new instruments for the appraisal of strategic transport safety inspection policy options in the Netherlands PDF
Value of freight travel-time savings PDF
Marco Kouwenhoven The potential for medium-term growth at Schiphol Airport – An assessment of alternative policy measures PDF
The modelling of motorcycle ownership and commuter usage: a UK study PDF
Eric Kroes The value of punctuality on suburban trains to and from Paris PDF
Kan Schiphol de reizigers nog wel aan in 2020? PDF
Choice of season cards in public transport: an SP experiment PDF
Barry Zondag De baten van bundelen en beprijzen PDF
2006 Michiel de Bok Infrastructure and firm dynamics: calibration of a micro simulation model for firms in The Netherlands PDF
Rik van Grol Using a meta-model to analyse sustainable transport policies for Europe: the SUMMA project’s Fast Simple Model PDF
Gerard de Jong Errors in functions of the parameters of statistically estimated models PDF
The impact of the e-economy on transport PDF
Using the logsum in project appraisal PDF
Marco Kouwenhoven Evaluating a replacement ferry for the Isles of Scilly using a discrete choice model framework PDF
Welfare effects of capacity constraints at Schiphol airport – A new model to forecast air demand PDF
Jan Gerrit Tuinenga ANTONIN: updating and comparing a transport model for the Paris region PDF
2005 Michiel de Bok Firm relocation and the accessibility of locations: empirical results from The Netherlands PDF
Gerard de Jong Impact of the e-economy on traffic and traffic-related indicators in urban areas PDF
Specification of a logistics model for Norway and Sweden PDF
Marco Kouwenhoven Development of a tool to assess the reliability of Dutch road networks PDF
Eric Kroes The Airport network and Catchment area Competition Model: a comprehensive airport demand forecasting system using a partially observed database PDF
On the value of punctuality on suburban trains to and from Paris PDF
Jan Gerrit Tuinenga Pivot-point procedures in practical travel demand forecasting PDF
Barry Zondag Influence of accessibility on residential location choice PDF
Structuring impacts of transport on the spatial distribution of residents and jobs PDF
Integrated planning of water and land-use PDF
The development of the TIGRIS XL model: a bottom-up approach to transport, land-use and the economy PDF
2004 Rik van Grol Developing indicators for monitoring or modeling sustainable transport PDF
A systems approach to analyzing sustainable transport and mobility PDF
Identifying and prioritizing policies for improving the intermodal freight transport system linking western Europe and the central and eastern European countries PDF
Gerard de Jong De waarde van betrouwbaarheid van reistijden in personen- en goederenvervoer PDF
Drivers of passenger transport demand worldwide PDF
Drivers of freight transport demand worldwide PDF
New values of time and reliability in freight transport in the Netherlands PDF
The value of reliability PDF
The EXPEDITE project: applying meta-models for passenger and freight transport in Europe PDF
Marco Kouwenhoven Using road-side interviews to model employers business and non-home-based travel in the West Midlands PDF
2003 Gerard de Jong Elasticities and policy impacts in freight transport in Europe PDF
Barry Zondag Main outcomes of a new pan-European meta-model for freight and passenger transport (EXPEDITE) PDF
2000 Rik van Grol On-line traffic condition forecasting using on-line measurements and a historical database PDF
1999 Rik van Grol DACCORD: On-line travel time estimation/prediction results PDF
1998 Rik van Grol State-of-the-art in real time dynamic forecasting models PDF