Kurt Verlinden

research leader

T: +31 70 312 1534


In 1994 Kurt Verlinden obtained the degree of civil engineer with a master in urban and traffic planning. In 20 years he specialized in all aspects of traffic modelling, with specific focus on demand modelling and implementation of disaggregate and discrete choice models in the field op passenger travel behaviour, combined with crucial enrichment of data from observations and inquiries. Alongside the development of modelling expertise, he’s closely involved with introduction and application of modelling tools within the context of policy support, where he seconds the major stakeholders in Flanders in development and implementation on all levels and scales. Lately Kurt aims to advance the development of agent-based modelling in which simulation techniques are used on individual level within the demand modelling framework. Estimation and implementation of these instruments required a new framework on development of modelling procedures with careful attention to the actual content, value and variation of model outcomes.