About Us

Significance is an independent research institute specialised in quantitative research on mobility and transport.


Significance helps national and international governments and companies to make well-informed and evidence based decisions. Significance is headed by Barry Zondag and Gerard de Jong, and has strong links with leading research institutes and academics worldwide. Staff members of Significance publish frequently at conferences and in scientific journals.


Significance is characterised by a completely independent attitude. We use strong analytical procedures and the most novel methods and techniques. Quantitative research is our joint passion. We use this passion to improve the quality of the mobility and transport plans of our clients. Significance translates the international state-of-the-art in mobility research to state-of-practice tools.

CO2 policy

Significance is currently in the process of getting certified using the CO2 Performance Ladder. Read more about it here.

Our team

Photographer: Frank van der Burg